verb | provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
It was observed from photographs of the children’s writings in the brief that they call the present Melrose Home, “The Home” and never “Our Home” or “My Home”. Like little saplings, the Children, Teenagers and Youths who pass through the halls of Melrose Village are to be nourished with love, care, food and good values. The vision is for Melrose Village to remain their home that they can return to (in different ways), even if it means that they can no longer be residents of the place. NOURISH studies the structure & form of the existing Melrose Home to derive the proposal. The use of the distinctive form of a House with a pitched roof is also a reaction to the logo and branding. The design thinking is rooted in trauma informed care. The planning of the space have been done with consideration to privacy of residents, establishing safety of residents, as well as technical aspects of budget and practicality. The Melrose Journey is two parts. First Healing, Next Empower. We imagine a day in the life of Geraldine & Jasper, our fictional residents of Melrose. Geraldine & Jasper will walk through NOURISH with you. Enjoy.

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